On Tue, April 17, 2007 5:41 pm, mbneto wrote:
> I've developed a simple script that among other things sends a fax
> using
> hylafax's sendfax program.   If I test it calling directly from the
> command
> line it works fine.
> If I let it run from cron it executes everything fine except the fax.
> I am using the system call and in order to debug I am using the
> following
> code
> ...
> $cmd = sprintf('/usr/bin/sendfax -n -d %s %s',$fax,$file) ;
> mail ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "fax", $cmd."\n".system($cmd));

Use exec() instead of system, and get the $error number, and use
perror on the command line to find out what went wrong.

cron runs in a different environment, and my first guess is that it
doesn't have access to /tmp/fax.txt, but that's just a guess.

You may also want to put quotes around "fax_number" in case it has
spaces in it...

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