On Fri, April 20, 2007 12:19 pm, enediel gonzalez wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a php site connected to one database mysql.
> using phpmyadmin I can read that in one register of the database
> exists the
> string
> Vérifie que le service
> reading the registry in php code
> $description = $row[$description_field]);
> exec("echo '$description' >> /tmp/ttt.txt");
> inside of /tmp/ttt.txt I can see
> Vérifie que le service
> Thanks in advance for any advice that helps me clarify mi mistake.

You need to get PHP mysql client to be using UTF-8 as well as the server.

Or you can send a SET CHARACTER_ENCODING or somesuch query...

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I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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