On Fri, April 20, 2007 4:46 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I thought I could define() and array. However, when I do this:

Nope. :-(

Has to be string or int or boolean or float or other "scalar" type.

> define("THECONSTANT", array(1,2,3));
> print_r(THECONSTANT);
> it prints THECONSTANT and not the array :(
> according to the manual:
> bool define ( string $name, mixed $value [, bool $case_insensitive] )
> And isn't "mixed" of any type?


"mixed" just means it's 2 or more types.

There could be all kinda of reasons/cases where "mixed" means only
scalars, or only compound types or, really, any 2 types you'd care to

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