On Apr 21, 2007, at 4:01 AM, Ross wrote:

A quick one this morning.

When coding should I be trying to code so there are no notices or is it ok
to turn them off.

If you don't mind writing code that contains errors, notices are errors. Not serious, but it's not that hard to write code in php that doesn't produce errors. Unless....

I don't really want to do a isset check for every index  I have.

your lazy about your code. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but if you don't want to even check this minor thing then you probably shouldn't be writing code that's going to see the light of day*.

Read up on web security. Start here... http://phpsec.org/

I'm betting that if you don't care about checking for set indexes then you're not checking a lot of things that really need to be checked.


* Code to bee used on a box connected to the internet. If your just writing some script that you use on your local machine then what you do with notices is your business.

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