On Sat, April 21, 2007 1:32 pm, Justin Frim wrote:
> I'm a little lost here though... how can it be possible to put data
> into
> the URI as well as the POST body?  The request is originating from the
> user-agent, not the server.  Regardless though, the real problem with
> this proposed hack is how, through HTML code, would one instruct the
> user-agent to submit the form using multipart/form-data, but without
> it
> creating a Content-Type: multipart/form-data header in the request!?
> This sounds like an impossible task to me.

You'd use multipart/form-data, but ONLY the type="file" INPUTs would
be in the actual POST data.

So your MD5 would be the MD5 of the uploaded file.

The rest of your inputs would be in GET data:

<form action="whatever.php?input1=foo&amp;input2=bar" method="post"
  <input type="file" name="whatever" />

You could even use JS to take any other FORM INPUTs and change them to
GET parameters and submit a somewhat hacked POST with everything but
the file in GET parameters.

It won't be pretty...

But it might work and be faster than waiting for the Feature Request...

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