On Wed, April 25, 2007 5:38 am, Henning Eiben wrote:
> Richard Davey wrote:
>>> Running my test for about 5 minutes, I get about 31.000 request for
>>> the
>>> java application, but only about 3.000 for the php.
>> No offence, but the problem is almost 100% certainly in your PHP
>> code
>> then. I'd look very carefully at what is going on there before
>> trying to
>> 'tweak' PHP itself.
> well, I was curios if there would be any obvious things to do. If this
> rather poor performance is due to the fact, that I used 3-tier
> architecture and an OR-mapper, than this would be conclusion of my
> tests.

At 31:3 ratio, it's almost for sure NOT the fault of 3-tier
architecture nor the OR-mapper.

Or, if it is, it's because you've chosen a HORRIBLE 3-tier
architecture or a RIDICULOUS OR-mapper.

My *first* *first* *first* SWAG is that you've got something very very
very hinky in the mysql_connect, not using local sockets.

Only on Windows, that means you haven't tweaked some goofy setting
somewhere, rather than something as simple as not using 'localhost'
for the mysql_connect.

I saw something like this on a thread the other day on PHP-General,
actually...  Or maybe it was on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At the risk of repeating myself:

Optimization without analyzation is just code masturbation.

PROFILE YOUR PHP APP and find out *why* it's slow, or don't bother
testing, and certainly don't "publish" your results, nor tout them as
a valid reason for choosing one over the other.

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