Good Morning guys and girls

As I am rather lazy, I don't wanna do a data readout on my MySQL table in the following way with mysql_fetch_assoc()

$data_item1    =    $data['xitem1'];
$data_item2    =    $data['yitem2];

I am trying to do the following:

I have the correct number of fields in the table, which is 116. Now I want to use a for-loop and read teh data into a string, then shove it into another table, which has the exact same layout. I was thinking about something like

for($i=0; $i<= 115; $i++) {
   $data_item[$i]    =    $data[$i];

but now I have the problem with the field names and all... can someone point me into the right direction? All I have to so is move the contents of one field to the second database wich has the same layout as the first DB.

Would be thankful for any help :o)


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