On Sat, 12 May 2001, Jochen Kaechelin wrote:

> Hello list!
> When you create a pdf-document with Adobe Acrobat
> you can protect it with a password!
> Is there a way to protect it with php's pdf-funtions, too!
> I found nothing in the docs!

No - there is no way to do this.  Those password functions are proprietary
to Adobe, though they have documented the internal algorithms.  I don't
think the password stuff will work if you use a non-adobe viewer.  The
non-adobe viewer would just try to render it without checking for a
password.  Apparently adobe normally encrypts the data if you use a
password, so it's pretty non-workable to use a non-adobe reader against an
adobe-encrypted pdf file.  However, all this is based on my research of
about 1 year ago - recollections might be a bit fuzzy on the details.

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