On 5/23/07, Stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a script to process the post from a form.

 The form is used to upload photos and has fields for the filename, alt text, 
caption and a checkbox to indicate if this photo is the main page image 

 I wanted to build a general routine to build the form to allow for a varying 
number of photos to upload.

 I use main_image[] for the various checkboxes for each photo.

 I see that the checkbox is *not* set, I get nothing back, and if the second 
photo is checked (and the first not checked), I get main_image[0] = 'on'.

 And I see this happens for the caption[] array as well.

 This seems to me to be pretty ugly.

 Am I understanding this properly?

 Do I really have to use main_image1, main_image2....


No, you don't need to, it's the way you write your HTML form.

Again, this is Off topic, as this has nothing to do with PHP, but
well, we are here to help people in general.

As you didn't provided your code, I'm giving a general example which
worked for my photo site, and should work for your example too. You
should replace <foto_id_here> with the ID of the photo you want to be

<input type='checkbox' name='photos[]' value="<photo_id_here>"/>

And now $_POST['photos'] will be an array with the values being the
IDs of the checked photos.


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