On Wed, May 23, 2007 6:07 am, kats Ant wrote:
> Hi all a i am running a windows 2003 server with IIS. I have created a
> php script that uploads a file to a server.
> in the server i have users and a user1 has permission to folder1,
> user2 has permissions to folder2. I want an administrator to run the
> script and upload a file to these foldes. how can the script access
> the folders that only various users have access?

Assuming 'administrator' is more or less like 'root', you could use
http://php.net/move_uploaded_file in the upload script to dump the
files into some staging directory, and record the meta-data about
which file belongs to whom and goes where in, say, a database.

You could then have a cron job ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Scheduled Task run by
'administrator' to check the DB and shuffle files around and change
their permissions as needed.

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