On May 24, 2007, at 6:15 PM, Jochem Maas wrote:

Richard Lynch wrote:
On Wed, May 23, 2007 9:58 am, Greg Donald wrote:
Has anyone looked at the Zend Framework lately?


I've been playing with a few parts of it off and on the past couple of
days.  It seems really heavy overall and there is no Javascript
integration anywhere. Nothing on the roadmap about Javascript either:


It might be worth using if it actually did something better than my
current toolset.  Right now it really doesn't.

Has anyone driven a Ford lately?


I've been test driving a few of them off and on the past couple of
days.  It seems really heavy overall and...

one thing Zend Framework has over your average [american] Ford is the
fact that it doesn't come fitted with an earth-destroying, war- inducing
5+ liter power source.

sorry, couldn't help myself.

Nope, but mine's hooked up to an earth destroying, war-inducing 5,000,000,000,000 plus liter power plant... may be nuclear, but I don't know for sure...

sorry, couldn't help myself either... :P


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