I have a form in which I validate the email address using a php function
then alert the operson if the email address is not correct. However, I would
like to pop up an alert with javascript if the email field is left blank. I
am using the function below but it down't work with php, probably works
great with a cgi.

Does anyone have a better way to do this?

Chris Mason
in the head

                function validForm(replyForm)
                        alert(\"You must enter an email address\")
                        return false
                return true

in the form:
<FORM  onSubmit=\"return validForm(this)\" METHOD=\"POST\"
ACTION=\"reserve.php3?action=send\" ENCTYPE=\"x-www-form-urlencoded\">
<TR CLASS=\"$c\">       <TD CLASS=\"$c\">E-Mail </TD>   <TD COLSPAN=\"$i\"><INPUT
TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"email\" VALUE=\"$email\" SIZE=\"50\"></TD></TR>


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