Oh, here is the update code, which uses the same concepts:

      $column = mysql_list_fields("$db","$table");
      for($i = 1; $i < mysql_num_fields($column); $i++)
        $value = mysql_field_name($column,$i);
        $name = $value;
        $value = $$value;
        $values .= "$name='$value'";
        if($i != mysql_num_fields($column)-1)
          $values .= ",";
      $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $values WHERE id='$id'";

And the INSERT code again for good measure:

      $column = mysql_list_fields("$db","$table");
      for($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($column); $i++)
        $value = mysql_field_name($column,$i);
        $value = $$value;
        $values .= "'$value'";
        if($i != mysql_num_fields($column)-1)
          $values .= ",";
      $sql = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ($values)";

This code relies on 2 variables being correctly set: $db is the name of the
database you are working with, and $table is the name of the table.  Other
than that what this script basically does is goes through every column in
the specified table and dynamically creates a query from the names of the
columns.  Your variable names will need to match the column names exactly or
this will insert/update null values.

----- Original Message -----
From: "midget2000x" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 1:31 PM
Subject: [PHP] One database, different forms

> I am writing a PHP application that will operate on a MySQL database.
> will be 4 types of forms (like catalog request, info request, etc.)
> the code which writes the data to the database.
> Since the variable names on the forms will equal the MySQL column names
(as they
> should), I am wondering if there is a way for me to create my SQL
statements on
> the fly so that only data passed is written.  Otherwise I'll have to
create 8
> types of SQL statements...INSERT (if the record, keyed by e-mail address,
> doesn't exist), and UPDATE (if the record does exist) for all 4 forms.
> For example, on my "add to mailing list" form, only the e-mail address is
> collected.  I'd like the PHP to recognize that only the 'email' field is
> and create the SQL statement that only writes the e-mail to the database.
> Any ideas greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Rory
>  --  -----------
> providing the finest in midget technology
> --
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