On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 07:45 -0500, Jay Blanchard wrote:
> Good morning group,
> I am doing some searching and researching but I also know that this
> world famous group may have some insight and resources that I can
> benefit from.

Your wish shall be answered. You can prevent dangling prepositions, such
as the one above, by rearranging your sentence a little.

"I am doing some searching and researching but I also know that this
world famous group may have some insight and resources that I can
benefit from."

Would become:

"I am doing some searching and researching but I also know that this
world famous group may have some insight and resources that from which I
can benefit."

> I am looking for an address validation database and API to use with our
> retail applications (does not have to be free). I would prefer to be
> able to buy data according to postal code. I will likely use AJAX to
> take an address that is input into the system and find a similar or
> better address and then offer the user the opportunity to use the
> returned address or the one that they put into the system. You have all
> seen this in operation if you use maps.google.com when it does not flat
> out recognize the address.
> Is anyone aware of anything like this that they can point me to?


"Is anyone aware of anything like this that they can point me to?"

Would become:

"Is anyone aware of anything like this to which they can point me?"

As to your actual question... no idea :)

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