Excellent!  Double pipes to seperate possible multiple variable values.
<lock in memory>

Thanks Daniel!

On 6/13/07, Daniel Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/13/07, Dan Shirah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I know this has got to be easy but it's not working any way I try
> When a record is selected it opens up a new page.  My query will display
> specific results based on the type of record selected.  There can be
> multiple values in each if.  However I am having a brain fart in my if
> statement assigning the multiple values.
> Here is my if statement:
>  if ($type == 'T','D','L' {
>     $get_id.=" payment_request WHERE id = '$payment_id'";
>     }
> However this does not return ant results.
> I've tried  if ($type = array('T','D','L'), if ($type ==
> if ($type == 'T,D,L'), if ($type == 'T' or 'D' or 'L'
> I also looked in the PHP manual for examples of if's and didn't find any
> help.
> I can get it to work if I create a seperate if statement for each type
> condition but i would prefer to not duplicate my code just to add a
> $type


   Are you trying to do this?

   if ($type == 'T' || $type == 'D' || $type == 'L') {
       $get_id.=" payment_request WHERE id = '$payment_id'";

Daniel P. Brown
[office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272
[mobile] (570-) 766-8107

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