On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 13:13 -0400, tedd wrote:
> Hi Gang:
> I'm sure this is obvious to most, but not to me.
> I working on a virtual host.
> If I want to save data in a file, I can ftpconnect(); change the 
> permissions of an existing file from 0755 to 0777; write to the file; 
> and change the permissions of the file back to 0755 -- no problem.
> However, if a file is not there, then I can create one. However, the 
> permissions of the file will be automagically set to 0600 and as 
> such, I can't change them via ftpconnect(). In other words, I can't 
> FTP in to my site and change the permissions of a file I created. I 
> can delete the file, but that's all.
> How do you guys create a file and set its permissions working on a 
> virtual host via php?

See the following functions:


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