Jochem Maas wrote:
> Jochem Maas wrote:
>> three for the price of one, cheap at half the price ...
>> for ($me = 1; $you = $me; $me++);

One for me and one for you?
Everything that is mine is yours?
To me, to you?

>> $u = create_function("\$bond", "if (\$bond < 2) echo \"live\"; else die();")
>> $u();$u();$u();
> this one here should have been:
> $u = create_function("\$bond", "if (\$bond < 3) echo \"live\"; else die();")
> $u(1);$u(2);$u(3);

I started thinking it was "Live and Let Die" but then I realised I had
the wrong movie and it's actually "You only live Twice". WHich is good
cos Connery was a far better bond than Moore!

>> $I = null; sleep(10); $I = rear(); function rear() {};

Dunno! :p

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