A hidden form element to store the value of the second select box?

Use javascript to update a hidden form element in the original form, that
way when you submit the form you will have the newly selected element.

Sounds kind of strange though.  What if you on change Combo 1 submitted the
whole page, then prepopulated all of the form element with what the user has
already typed.

So I go to this form, type my name city state, then select a country, the
form is then automatically submitted via javascript, the page re-appears
with what I typed still available for me to edit, now I have a second combo
box to choose from.  Choose a different country, the page re-submits and I
have different values in Combo 2

Robert Zwink

-----Original Message-----
From: Dezider Gora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 3:54 PM
To: PHP General
Subject: [PHP] Bound comboboxes on form

I want to create two bound comboboxes for selecting cell operators
within a range of available countries.
I want it behave like this:
Combo 1 will consist of list of available contries -> user selects a
country and the second combo will requery the database and show the list
od of all available ooperators in this contry.
I've searched the phpclasses and found the class called "linked_select",
but I'm having problems with it.
So I'm thinking about embedding and iframe which will contain only the
second combo and requerying will be done replacing a a source url when
user selects a country from first combo using a javascript onChange
Now here's my question. Is this doable?
If yes, how do I get the value from the second combo into original form
for submitting? When I create an iframe from within a from, will the
value be submitted with the form or not?

Any thoughts greatly welcome.

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