
Tedd Wrote :-

> At 11:00 PM -0400 7/5/07, Robert Cummings wrote:
> >On Thu, 2007-07-05 at 22:44 -0400, tedd wrote:
> >>  At 4:48 PM -0400 7/5/07, Daniel Brown wrote:
> >>  >On 7/5/07, Robert Cummings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>  >>On Thu, 2007-07-05 at 15:04 -0500, Kaleb Pomeroy wrote:
> >>  >>>  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
> >>  >>
> >>  >>The egg, fish were laying them long before chickens walked the earth :)
> >  > >
> >  >
> >  > But actually, it was dinosaurs.
> >
> >Ummmmm... fish predate all land creatures according to evolution....
> >that's not to say something with eggs didn't predate fish, but I'm too
> >lazy to go look.
> Yes, but I was talking about predecessors to the chicken, like 
> Archeopteryx (one of the first feathered dinosaurs), which is/was (my 
> education is dated) believed to be the predecessor of birds.
> As far as eggs are concerned, they predate fish considerably.

As far as I'm aware, eggs don't predate anything.  How could they - they
don't have legs or mouths so couldn't eat anything if they could run to
catch it :-)


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| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger          |
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| "Mind if I smoke?"                                                         |
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