even though i dont use PWS, the only time i seem to
get 500 errors is when i mistype the a filename
and the server cannot find the file.... so that's
probably where your problem lies.

triple check that PHP is working and installed correctly.
then triple check that the server works OK (try to load
a simple HTML page). 

from what i know about PWS, it gives people endless
problems.  i'd reccomend you check out Apache 
(http://apache.org/) when you get a chance.
it's free and it comes for unix/win32 and is usually
easier to setup/configure than MS servers.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: [PHP] php on PWS
> I am trying to install PHP 4.05 CGI onto  my WIN 98 machine which is running
> PWS once have followed all the instructions but when I try to run a php
> script I get a HTTP 500 error.
> I have checked that my registry entry is pointing to the right place.
> Does anybody have any ideas how to fix this.
> Matt.

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