At 22:40 14/5/2001 -0700, Ethan Schroeder wrote:
>I don't know how you can find sendmail on that system if you don't have
>telnet access.  Try writing a script that does an exec("which sendmail") and
>see if it tells you.  I doubt it will, though.  Otherwise try different
>sendmail locations: /usr/sbin/sendmail, /usr/lib/sendmail, etc.  The
>.htacess file overwrites the value of the php.ini file, so you can specify
>to php where sendmail is for any script that is under the directory your
>.htaccess file resides in (unless they don't allow .htaccess).  I've had to
>use this approach a couple times to get php to send mail off properly.

actually I discovered with ini_get()... I'll try now with popen() and stuff 
again... may it'll work... this is my last hope... I tried calling a script 
in another domain, I tried fsockopen... nothing seems to work...

this is my last attempt...

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