On 7/9/07, Mario Guenterberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 05:16:20PM +0200, Tijnema wrote:
>  I've build my own Linux, so good to know how to change it :)
>  Tijnema

Ahh, a linux from scratch user, eh? :-)
If you need it or want some usefull input, I have very usefull
build scripts for apache/php and mysql/postgresql. I use this scripts
for my own builds from scratch or vanilla source.


It has an LFS base yes ;)

When I had the base LFS system, I continued on my own, no BLFS or
such, and a lot of unstable code "fixes", which was more like making
bugs in programs to fix compile errors ;), commenting out some mem
calls or such :P

Can't remember that I've changed anything in PHP/Apache/MySQL or
PostgreSQL, but still interested in your scripts :)


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