On Thu, July 12, 2007 7:33 am, Ross wrote:

> I need a secure form. I have one here
> http://www.edinburghnights.co.uk/pay/php/curl_https.html but it has no
> algorithm check on the CC number. Also I need to make the form secure.
> Can
> someone point me to an example or tutorial.

To make the form "secure" in regards to internet transmission, you
need to install OpenSSL (or other SSL implementation) and buy an SSL
Certificate from a reputable CA (e.g., Verisign/Thawte...)

Well, okay, technically, you can generate a free one for yourself, and
it's just as secure in the transmission, but the browser pops up a
nasty warning to the users that they are doing something insecure
(i.e., trusting you even though you haven't paid the $200 for a
background check to get a Cert) and you almost for sure don't want

The algorithm to check the validity of a CC number can be found in
Google so easily, I refuse to even answer that one. :-)

"credit card number validity checksum algorithm" ought to get you the
results you want.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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