On Wed, July 18, 2007 7:24 am, Olav Mørkrid wrote:
> consider the following statement:
> $language =

You can do it nicely in 2:
$language = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ?
if ($language == '') $language = '*';

> when using strings in arrays that may be non-existing or empty, you
> have to repeat the reference  *three* times, which gets excessive and
> unreadable.
> is there any way to only have to write

Not for this, I don't think...

PHP 6 or 5.3 might have something where you could do:

(expression) ? : '';

And the result of (expression) would be the implied result between ? :

But you have a different test (isset) from the result (actual value)
so that won't help.

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