On 7/21/07, Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am 2007-07-17 09:17:27, schrieb tedd:
> That's you -- I need hard copy to look through. I want to feel and
> see the book, put sticky notes on it and use it as reference later.

Me too...

I prefer ebooks, you can search through it in a second, it takes hours
to find something in a hard copy :(

> Last year I spent more money on books than I did on hardware.

Me too...

Hmm, never :P
Ebooks are free (in the name of warez).
Now to not start this thread all over again, but, Authors, if you
think you can't make enough money because of the warez, stop writing
the books ;)


   Michelle Konzack
   Tamay Dogan Network
   Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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