OK, thanks.  I thought since php.exe had help and documentation for
command line args, so would the cgi have some pointers or best practices
of what to pass and how.


Richard Lynch wrote:
> On Tue, July 24, 2007 6:26 pm, Shawn McKenzie wrote:
>> I have written a small web server for windows.  It works fine for
>> static
>> HTML files, but I would like to be able to run PHP scripts.
>> Playing with php-cgi.exe on the command line I see that it returns the
>> content type and the generated HTML from a script 'php-cgi.exe
>> test.php'.  From experimenting, I also see that I can pass the get
>> vars
>> like 'php-cgi.exe test.php var1=val1 var2=val2'.  Is this the best
>> way?
>>  How about POST info and do certain things need to be encoded a
>> certain way?
>> Is there a good document on this?
> This might be best addressed on the internals list if nobody here
> replies.
> There are also other webservers with open source you could read.
> Apache, of course, but also smaller ones.
> Xitami maybe?
> Lighthttp?
> Also, whatever the CGI spec says, presumably applies to the PHP CGI. 
> It's an oldie but a goodie. :-)

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