On 28/07/07, Larry Garfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If "indirectly affecting the market so that prices change" counts as stealing,
> then Coke and Pepsi build their business models around stealing from each
> other.
> Apache/PHP/MySQL are then "stealing actual money" from Microsoft, because they
> reduces sales of Windows, IIS, Visual Studio, and MS SQL Server.
> Great, so that means we should shut down Pepsi to stop them from stealing from
> Coke, and shut down PHP to stop them from stealing from Microsoft!
> I would say that shows just what pathetically laughable bullshit that argument
> is, except that Microsoft has made it publicly before, albeit phrased
> as "defending capitalism".  You see why I find it so offensive?

Ah, so you are saying that by pirating software/books/music you are
creating market competition, which drives the producers to produce
higher quality content at affordable prices. I feel so stupid that I
didn't see it that way from the beginning.

Dotan Cohen


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