On 8/5/07, php mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> How do I prior check file's size in server side before the upload process
> begin ?
> Regards,
> Feris

You can't do it with PHP, with PHP you can only check it after the
file has uploaded, you can only do it on the client side. This means
you have 3 options:
1) form field MAX_FILE_SIZE, which is the easiest thing to bypass.
Some browsers even ignore this.
2) Javascript check, this can also be bypassed quite easily.
3) Do it through a seperate program, like an JAVA applet, or a stand
alone application. Both can be bypassed too, though you need to have
knowledge of ASM and Reverse Engineering for that, which is not easy,
but once you know it, it can be quite easy to do it too ( I could do
it in less than 5 mins )

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