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Tom Ray [Lists] escreveu:
I've been learning how to use PHP with the GD Library and I've managed to learn quite a bit. I can upload, resize, create thumbnails and I'm even able to create "security code" images for forms. My question is how do I create a Watermark on the image? I want something transparent but still visible enough to see the copyright and the website. I want to put it in the center of the image. I would use a non-water marked image and when it's called on (depending on viewing size) I want the water mark to be added.

How would one go about doing that?



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I'm using a half-transparent png to overlay the original image. You can see it here: http://www.auto-deppe.de/index.php?module=fzg_detail&fzg_nr=77

The overlays do not show in the thumbnails, nor do they appear on the printout pages for resellers. Click on an image (preferrably one with a darker bottom left part) to see the watermark appear. This is simple GD with a transparent png overlay :o)

All the best!


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"Hello World"

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