On 8/13/07, Nathan Wallis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a follow up to my post about running an application server side and the
> introduction of sockets.
> My application is really just to modify a series of images on the server and
> combine them into a collage of images as a single file name.  So I just say
> go and wait for it to build the final file, then it is done.
> So in this case are sockets an advantage?  I really just want to start the
> application and let it go, without transferring data back and forth between
> PHP and the app.
> Any more help would be great.
> Cheers,
> Nathan

Yes, Sockets are still an advantage, IF you use them correctly, and
use the script behind it correctly. Each program does some things at
startup, like loading DLLs if they weren't loaded already, copying
program into memory etc. which all take resources, and when you run
the program as a service with access through sockets, the program
would run forever, but doesn't need to startup each time.


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