
This has to be a browser problem. I cannot see it being anything else.

For arguments sake however, would you mind showing us your code. While
I'm sure it is a browser issue, it may have something to do with what
PHP is returning to the browser.

- Craige

On 8/22/07, Rob Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a pdfs saved in a database (created with pdflib).  When I output them
> in firefox, it works just great everytime.  But when I try in IE, it doesn't
> always work.  I know, I know, it sounds like a browser issue, but here's the
> problem.  I figured out that when I run session_start(), the pdf never shows
> up in IE.  When I don't run it, it works just as well as in firefox.  When I
> put my header calls to set the content type to application/pdf before the
> session_start() call, IE spits out an error:
> "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
>    Most likely causes:
> You are not connected to the Internet.
> The website is encountering problems.
> There might be a typing error in the address. "
> Anyone know of a fix for this?
> --
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