
Has anyone used/is using the most excellent chainedSelectors class (by 
Leon Atkinson) available as a tutorial from zend.com ?

I just got this working for use with the states of australia and its 
postcodes (around 3395 unique pcodes), but have found the result totally 
unusable due to the large amount of outputted javascript makes the page 
loading times totally unacceptable, around 40 seconds for 390k @ 56k, 
this is just for the outputted javascript,  two select form objects , 
the skeleton html file and of course a bit of sever side processing.

I would really appreciate a better solution as I really need this 
functionality, but believe such long waits on a eccomerce site is crazy, 
if any Australians are reading this and have done this kind of thing 
before could they please let me know how?

Thanks again,


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