Greg Donald wrote:
On 8/24/07, Steve Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The only difference I can figure is that PHP5 was the packaged version
that comes with Ubuntu and I had to compile PHP4 from source since
there is no package for it in Feisty. But I wouldn't expect a 50%
increase as a result of that.  Any thoughts on this?

What would be interesting is if a group picked up PHP4 and kept going
with it in spite of the end of life announcement a few weeks back.  I
wonder if the PHP license would allow such a thing.  How open is it

The PROBLEM is that supporting PHP4, 5 and now 6 is detracting from solving some of these problems. Until we can get away from HAVING to support PHP4, then PHP5 will not get the full fine tuning it needs. Proposing to maintain a branch of PHP4 will then result n people expecting all of the major frameworks to work on it - and WE need to be able to concentrate on USING PHP5 properly rather than having to bodge things still to be backwards compatible with PHP4 :(

Did your test run the SAME modules on each version of PHP. Were the generated pages the same size. I thought that by default PHP5 had more features enabled so I would expect the phpinfo page to be a lot longer?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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