Gustav Wiberg wrote:
No it doesn't seem to work locally either (I haven't tested myself, but a working-friend did)

I suggest you find a Windows Server mailing list and ask there. This is almost certainly not an issue with PHP.

You might also want to find/write an ASP script that will show the username of the logged in user so you can take PHP out of the equation. Once it's working with ASP it should work with PHP.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Stut" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gustav Wiberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "PHP General" <>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] why?

Gustav Wiberg wrote:
I can't figure the thing with Windows Integrated authentication... I have checked a website for doing this. I still have to enter username and password even if I'm on the local computer (through a VPN though) This would be the same as using computer locally on the network, but I have to enter username and password. I'm sure I have checked the "Windows Integreated authenication" - checkbox for the website it's about.

When I have entered username and password I can go on and do whatever I want on that site...

I've tested with both IE6, and IE7. What could be the problem?

Transparent authentication between IE and IIS may not work over a VPN depending on a huge number of factors, but mainly how the VPN server has been configured.

Does it work when on the same network as the web server and AD server?



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