When using:

<?php if (!$submit)
// First html page containing login form
// Results of login form, including login failed or successful print()

I get an error on line one, due to it at first not recognising the variable
$submit. If I ignore this and continue to fill in the form, on the clicking
the submit button I am then delivered to the same page of which it shows the

So the only problem being, is when you first go to the page you get:

Warning: Undefined variable: submit in C:\Documents and Settings\Tarrant
Costelloe\Desktop\locahost\default.php on line 1

then the form, on which being filled in and submitted brings you back to the
page without the message and a print() of whether login successful or not.
How do I get rid of the original error?

Tarrant Costelloe
Web Developer
InsurE-com Ltd.
Office Tel:  +44 (0)1273 852014
Mobile: +44 07714087114

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