On 9/12/07, Patrik Hasibuan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear my friends...
> I am trying to display the content of a table. Each page must content only 5 
> records maximum. Each page has "Previous" and "Next" buttons (made from 
> anchor).
> I dump the primary of the working table and keep it in a cookie. So than the 
> paging task work with the index of cookie array. But the $curguruescomidiklan 
> stays "0" each time I click "Next" button.

yeah there is no reason to be using cookies for this.

just using query string parameters should work. for pagination you need to know:

total number of items
number of items per page

after that you know how many pages (numitems / itemsperpage) and work
out the links appropriately (i.e. page1 has no previous, $maxpage has
no next) and you can put the number of pages down how you want (if you
want to do prev 3 4 5 next, or next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 prev, there's a
ton of strategies to print out what pages to show, and next, previous,
jump to end, jump to beginning, etc)

i've never used the PEAR class or anything else, i made a function a
long time ago that actually works in conjunction with mysql's SELECT
FOUND_ROWS() and uses a LIMIT offset,number to save the overhead of
fetching every row from the database to only show the ones for that
page. it's actually worked well for 4 years now without a single

at some point perhaps i'll clean it up and post it somewhere, and
someone might be able to make it even better.

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