Kevin Murphy wrote:
> > The problem is IE7. All browsers work with this code as is but IE  says
> > "Internet Explorer cannot download test.pdf from XXX...."

The problem with IE was when you told it not to cache the document. If
you just want the browser to download the file rather than let the
Adobe plug-in handle it, as it looks like you intend with the
Content-disposition set to attachment, you have to send just the right
headers to make IE happy. (I think Brian's example should do it.)
Otherwise, IE knows it can handle the document internally with a
plug-in and will still try to open the file anyway. For some reason
when IE tries to handle files like PDF, it downloads the file, saves
it to cache, and then tells the Adobe plug-in to open the file from
the cache. Since you've told IE not to cache the file, IE honors that
request -- it builds the cache filename (and may even save the file
before promptly deleting it) and then sends that file name to the
Adobe plug-in which then tries to open a file that does not exist in
your computer's local cache.

On 9/24/07, brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> echo 'Your software provider sucks eggs. Get a better browser.';

LOL. I love that approach, too. Unfortunately, it's not very practical. :-\

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