Radek Hladik wrote:
I need to run remote command (by ssh), send it some data and receive its output and return value. I could run command like ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'command' via proc_open or something like that. But I've discovered ssh2 pecl-extension and I liked the idea of using ssh directly from PHP. However I was not able to figure out, how to close input stream and how to obtain return value. I.e. let's have this code:

$stream = ssh2_exec($connection,"head -n 4");
stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
fputs ($stream,"line1\nline2\n");
while($o=fgets($stream)){ echo $o.'<br>';}
fclose ($stream);

The problem is that this one never ends as 'head -n 4' waits for two more lines as it does not know, that I've finished sending data. If I close the stream after sending two lines, then I can not get output (of course :-) ). I've tried sending chr(3), chr(4), chr(0) to indicate end of input but nothing works.

head will sit there waiting forever until you send another 2 lines - try it in your ssh session.

Send 4 lines:

line 1\n
line 2\n

and you'll get what you want.

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