
I'm working on redesigning the backend of the website for work.  It was
originally done in ColdFusion, but I'm switching it over to PHP - probably
going to transfer the website from where it's currently hosted to something
a lot cheaper, too, hence the switching to PHP.  Anyway.

Because we are a manufacturing company, we have a few different lines of
products.  Currently, each different product line has it's own page (and own
meta tags).  The current set up has ColdFusion grabbing the current page
from the URL stripping off the '.cfm' extension and adding '-meta.cfm'
before including it in the header.

I'm sure there is a way to do this in PHP, but I'm out of shape enough with
using PHP that I can't remember, and I can't seem to find anything that will
work for me.  I just want to be able to pull whatever address is in the URL,
get the file name, and go from there.

Any ideas?

Anything would be helpful.  :)


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