
I am currently playing around with PHPs IMAP functions. I noticed that imap_headers() recognizes "extended IMAP flags" - not sure what the proper technical term would be - such as "MDNSent" [1] or "nonjunk" (a proprietary Thunderbird flag I suppose).

By "recognize" I mean they simply show up in the message subject:
  "15)27-Nov-2007 John Doe      {$MDNSent} testing (1760 chars)" or
  "16)24-Nov-2007 Foo Bar       {nonjunk} foobar (1337 chars)"

However, when I call imap_headerinfo() or imap_fetchheader(), there is no trace of them.

Any ideas as to how reliably detect those flags?


[1] http://www.apps.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3503.html

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