Good Afternoon All,

The recent threads about images got me to finally experiment with storing
into and retrieving/displaying images from a database.
Uploading and retrieval is fine, I'm just a bit uncertain about creating the
dynamic display part.

// getting the data out of the db
$imageCountinDB = 0;
$selectedData = @mysql_query("select title, imagedata from pictures order by
pid desc");
while ( $row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($selectedData )) {
        $title[] = htmlentities( $row['title'] );
        $imageBytes[] = htmlentities( $row['imagedata'] );

// creating the an html table with one img tag per cell
if ( IsSet( $_GET['im'] ) && $imageCountInDB > 0 ) {
        $imageOutputStr = "<table><tr>";
        for ( $i = 0; $i < $imageCountinDB; $i++ ) {
                $setID = $i + 1;
                $imageOutputStr .= "<td><img src=?im=$setID
                if ( $setID % 3 == 0 && $imageCountinDB > $setID ) {
                        $imageOutputStr .= "</tr><tr>\n";
 $imageOutputStr .= "</tr></table>";

// associating the image data with the img tags
switch ($_GET['im']) {
   case 1: header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
       print $bytes[0];
       exit ();
   case 2: header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
       print $bytes[1];
       exit ();



<?php echo $imageOutputStr; ?>


The question is, with all this happening in one page, is it possible to do
the last bit dynamically?

BTW, the core of the above was nicked from

Thanks very much for reading this long post.


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