On 11/29/07, Adam Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got an html form, and I have PHP parse the message variables for
> special characters so when I concatenate all off the message variables
> together, if a person has put in a ' " or other special character, it
> won't break it when it used in mail($to, "MMH Suggestion", "$message",
> "$headers");  below is my snippet of code, but is there a better way to
> parse the text for special characters.  what about if I were to have the
> $message inserted into a mysql field?  how would I need to handle
> special characters that way?


first i would run $message = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'message',

then probably $message = htmlspecialchars($message);

that should suffice. it depends i suppose. if you need to dump the
html as-is, or you want to encode it first. i don't trust anything
users submit though, so i encode it on output

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