On Monday 03 December 2007 13:37:45 Emil Edeholt wrote:
> Hi,

was this a mathematical question? Yes, someone on this list, can probably help 
you to do some finesse, but I like it mathematical and clean code

> I'm about to add some simple calendar functions to my application, and
> I'm thinking of how I should implement recurring events. Are there one 
> standard way most people use that works well? 

a timestamp

> I guess you have some kind 
> of emitter event that creates the recurring events and a group id that
> holds the events together.

a timestamp + a year ahead as an example, a week, a day, a week + two days, 
it's all very simple to add up with php.

> How long forward does one usually create the 
> events. Two-three years...?

chaa... What event except birthdays weddings  and maby elections are we 
talking about here? I cannot tell what I'm supposed to do next week and it 
seems kind'a hard to grasp at what youre thinkin of

> Sorry if I'm a bit blury. But any ideas on recurring events are welcome.
> I guess I could just hack something together, but it would be fun to do
> it right.

wee bit blurry.

> Regards Emil

Børge Holen

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