Had everything gone as it was supposed to, I think it would've
been welcomed with open arms.  Unfortunately, my stupid ass flipped
the wrong flag while testing for approximately an hour, which sent
posts to the list every minute for one hour.  However, they weren't
coming through at the time, and I didn't realize that they were even
being sent, because the address was not subscribed at the time.  Once
the address was subscribed, all of the messages must've been held in a
queue on the mailing list side, and were then distributed.

    This leads me to ask, why?  Isn't this a really Bad Idea[tm] to
hold posts in queue, pending confirmation of the sender's address?  I
can understand one message, but any more than that shouldn't be
necessary.  My intentions were just to add something "neat" to the
list for the regulars (which will work as expected now), but what if
someone had truly malicious intentions?  What if hundreds or thousands
of emails were sent and held in queue, and then the sender's address
confirmed?  Would the mailing list software even be able to handle
that much of a queue?

Daniel P. Brown
[Phone Numbers Go Here!]
[They're Hidden From View!]

If at first you don't succeed, stick to what you know best so that you
can make enough money to pay someone else to do it for you.

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