XML is case sensitive. I notice the case of the xml is different. Try making 
the PHP created xml the same case.
Bastien> Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 13:54:36 -0800> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
php-general@lists.php.net> Subject: [PHP] PHP SOAP Client formats> > Hi all,> > 
ok, I am a little bit new to the SOAP game, but I understand it, and am > using 
it to talk to an outside API.> > The problem that I have is that the server 
that I am talking to (that is > not in my control), will accept the following 
SOAP call> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>> <soap:Envelope 
xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>> <soap:Body>> 
<AuthenticateTest xmlns="https://api.authorize.net/soap/v1/";>> 
<merchantAuthentication>> <name>name</name>> 
<transactionKey>string</transactionKey>> </merchantAuthentication>> 
</AuthenticateTest>> </soap:Body>> </soap:Envelope>> > > But it refuses a call 
that I have made using the SOAPClient PHP classes > that look like this :> > 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope 
xmlns:ns1="https://api.authorize.net/soap/v1/";>> <SOAP-ENV:Body>> 
<ns1:AuthenticateTest>> <merchantAuthentication>> <name>name</name>> 
<transactionKey>string</transactionKey>> </merchantAuthentication>> 
</ns1:AuthenticateTest>> </SOAP-ENV:Body>> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>> > It appears 
that the one that PHP creates is all in line with all of the > latest 
standards, and I know that the server is a Microsoft IIS server.> > Does anyone 
know any parameters that I can use with the PHP SOAP client > that could help 
me contruct the request like the top one???> > I don't want to have to build 
the text myself, and open a socket and > send the text manually like I did to 
verify that the top one works, and > the bottom one doesn't.> > Thanks,> > 
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