On Mon, 21 May 2001 13:55:12 +0100, py ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am designing a system for my company to get employee resumes via
>> rather than paper. All resumes now go into a mySQL DB, which can
>> searched by HR (at least that's the theory :)
>[I would do it like that also]
>> My questions:
>> For job listings - how do I design the tables? Can I dump all job
>> into a single table, and all applications/resumes into another
>>one? Or
>> should they be normalized?
>[They should be normalized]

only if it makes life easier. I hardly ever do it that way because it
takes longer and doesn't usually speed things up any.

>> If normalized - how much? For example, in a listing, I have job
>> department, location, salary range, etc. - should I have separate
>> for each of these? Like
>[Yes, I would say so]

sounds like a headache to me.

>> jcode dept loc
>> 1 213 2
>> 2 77 3
>> where dept and loc are FKs to other tables? Or is this taking it
>>too far?
>[It is not a necessity, but it would be easier to modify or upgrade
>later, wich we always do]

not necessarily easier, it just means you're making changes to one
table instead of another.

>> Same for application form. All this information that I am getting
>> should
>> I put into a single table, or split across separate tables? I do
>>plan to
>> search by differenet criteria later.
>> What about items in drop-downs? For example, if I have a drop-down
>> salary ranges or countries - should this information come from a
>>table, or
>> should I hard-code into the form itself? How do I make the
>>decision as to
>> which is appropriate?
>[I would never hard code anything that can change, salary ranges can
>changes, country can change too :) ]

I agree there.

you can even take laziness to the next level and use 1 table with
fields for just the items you will use in your sql, serialize the
rest of the data and put it in a text field -> that way you can add
fields later without having to alter the table.

Plus you could put a fulltext index on that and do an easy keyword
search on all the data.

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