On Jan 15, 2008 6:37 PM, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Brown schreef:
> ..
> >
> > $embed_code = 
> > preg_replace('/height="([0-9]*)"/U','height="'.$height.'"',preg_replace('/width="([0-9]*)"/U','width="'.$width.'"',$embed_code));
> I wouldn't have given him the complete regexp - how will they ever learn. :-)

    Right, but for something that simple, I don't see the harm in
pointing in the proper direction.  If someone can learn faster than I
was able to teach myself by my helping them, everyone benefits.

> $embed_code = preg_replace(
>         array('/height="([0-9]*)"/U', '/width="([0-9]*)"/U')
>         array('height="'.$height.'"', 'width="'.$width.'"'),
>         $embed_code);
> i.e. save the nested calls to preg_replace()

    Mine may look like a run-on sentence, but there's also less
parsing and processing involved.  Fewer cycles lead to faster scripts.
 (Even if yours DOES look nicer.... ;-P)

> when's the last time you read the manual man-with-really-long-name? :-P

    I have to admit, Jochem, I don't get it.  My name is one of the
shortest and plainest on the list (Dan Brown).... zip me a message
off-list so that I don't feel as though I'm missing out on a joke.
I'm guessing I'm just not processing very well this morning.


Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek and #1 Rated "Year's Coolest Guy" By Self Since

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