mathieu leddet writes:
Hi everyone,

I am struggling with regular expression trying to match strings
delimited by double quotes, but taking into consideration that \" is not
a string ending character.

// pattern for catching strings between "
$pattern = '#"([^"]*)"#';

$out contains : this is a string : <b>"Hi everyone my name is \"</b>Mathieu\<b>"!"</b>
Here is a second string : <b>"PHP is just perfect"</b>


If I right understand you scope. (yes, my English is bad)
You hope to get result such as:

this is a string : <b>"Hi everyone my name is \"Mathieu\"!"</b> Here is
a second string : <b>"PHP is just perfect"</b>

I try to fix you regular expression.
$pattern = '#"(.*?)(?<=[^\\\\])"#is';

attend to this: (?<=[^\\\\])

when PHP compile this string - inside it looks like (?<=[^\\])
when regular expression compile inside pcre library it looks like
this part: (?<=[^\])" is mean folow:
double quote, which not have leading backslash.

see folow:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat preg.php
$in = 'this is a string : "Hi everyone my name is \"Mathieu\"!" Here is
a second string : "PHP is just perfect"';

// pattern for catching strings between "
$pattern = '#"(.*?)(?<=[^\\\\])"#is';

// surround matching string with HTML span code to highlight
$replacement = '<b>"${1}"</b>';

// perform the reg exp replacement
$out = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $in);
echo $out,"\n\n";
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ php preg.php
this is a string : <b>"Hi everyone my name is \"Mathieu\"!"</b> Here is
a second string : <b>"PHP is just perfect"</b>

Is this rigth?

Max Anotnov (idler at instanceof dot ru)

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