On 21 May 2001 23:22:17 +0200, you wrote:

>Floyd Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There's an extra '}' in the first example for a word wrap function,
> > under string functions in the manual..    
> > 
> > I think I removed the right one but I'm still having trouble with it.
> > Can someone else take a crack at it too?  
> > 
>I dont see any extra } what i see is:
>$text = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";
>$newtext = wordwrap( $text, 20 );
>echo "$newtext\n";
>a note for wordwrap is if you use if for wrapping in html you might
>want to do something like this, to split every line with a <br>:
>wordwrap($text, 20, "<br>");
>Henrik Hansen


You are looking in the wrong area..  I'm working with php3.  

> There's an extra '}' in the first example for a word wrap function,
> under string functions in the manual..    

Here is what I see... and if you count the brackets, there are 15.. ?

12-Nov-1999 05:15 
A quick and dirty function to wrap text at a given wrap margin: 

function wraptext($text, $wrapmargin) 
$rettext = ""; 
$linebuf = ""; 
$linelen = 0; 
$tok = split("[ \t]", $text); 
$numtok = count($tok); 
for ($i = 0; $i < $numtok; $i++) 
$elem = $tok[$i]; 
$elemlength = strlen($elem) + 1; 
if ($linelen + $elemlength > $wrapmargin) 
$rettext = $rettext . $linebuf . "\n"; 
$linebuf = ""; 
$linelen = 0; 

// Do we have a newline in this element? 
$pos = strrpos($elem, "\n"); 
if ($pos) 
$before = substr($elem, 0, $pos); 
$after = substr($elem, $pos); 
$rettext = $rettext . $linebuf . " " . $before . "\n"; 
$linebuf = $after; 
$linelen = strlen($after); 
$linebuf = $linebuf . " " . $elem; 
$linelen = $linelen + $elemlength; 

// Do we have a newline in this element? 
$pos = strrpos($elem, "\n"); 
if ($pos) 
$before = substr($elem, 0, $pos); 
$after = substr($elem, $pos); 
$rettext = $rettext . $linebuf . " " . $before . "\n"; 
$linebuf = $after; 
$linelen = strlen($after); 
$linebuf = $linebuf . " " . $elem; 
$linelen = $linelen + $elemlength; 
return $rettext; 



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