On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 07:48:27PM -0400, Scott Russell wrote:
> Using php 4.0.4pl1 with ssl and ldap support I'm connecting to a secure ldap
> server. I want to be able to specify which level of ssl support I use,
> either ssl1, ssl2, or ssl3. By default it appears as if php is trying to
> connect using ssl3 which on my server fails during the ssl handshake.
> How can I tell the ldap_connect() / ldap_bind() functions to use ssl2 instead?

All the work is done by the LDAP library, PHP just calls the LDAP library
with ldaps://hostname, and the library does the rest. You would need to
specify it in ldap.conf or something if at all possible.

There was a problem with SSL/TLS and SASL in OpenLDAP. This should be
fixed in 2.0.8, perhaps you should try without SASL if your library is
compiled with SASL support. I've never had to care about ssl versions,
I thought that should be worked out automatically.


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